human smuggling truck in dimmit county texas

[Video] Human Trafficker Caught Smuggling 76 People and Meth Into the USA

Verification Status: Verified Bias Alert: Republicans - This story likely aligns with Republican views on immigration and border security, though all recent Democrat Presidents and many candidates from...
stolen 500 metric tonne iron bridge in india

Thieves Stole a 500 Metric Ton Bridge From a Village in India and Vanished

They took the bridge and disappeared. Thieves in the Bihar state of India near the Nepal border made off with a massive iron bridge that is said...
strawberry puree meth drug bust in laredo texas

Border Patrol Agents Found $35.2 Million Dollars Worth of Meth in a Truck Carrying...

That is a lot of meth! In April of this year U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers made a massive drug bust on the World Trade bridge...
apple store in california robbed, employees helped

[Video] Thieves in California Steal Thousands of Dollars of Merchandise from an Apple Store...

The California virus continues to infect communities across the state. This time it allowed a few young men wearing hoodies and facemasks to walk into an Apple...
man who assaulted woman on 75 highway after crash

[Video] A Man Sideswiped a Woman’s Car on a Dallas Highway Then Attacked Her...

Status: Mostly Verified - The video footage definitely shows the alleged assault occuring, but the victim does appear to admit to a local reporter that she took...
gang rapper violence in jacksonville, fl

[Video] Jacksonville, Florida Rapper La Jarvo Gets Attacked by Rival Rappers Luhh Ben and...

Gang violence in Jacksonville often includes small-time rappers A video recently surfaced on Reddit that appears to show 2 rappers confronting a rival while he stands with his...
clifton teenager attacked in park

A Teenager in Clifton, TX Was Lured to a Park by Her Best Friend...

She needs some new friends asap In Clifton, TX a family and community are in absolute shock after a teen girl's best friend lured her to a...
lululemon fires employees for reporting theft to police video

[Video] Lululemon Fired Employees for Calling the Cops on Thieves

In Georgia NBC Reports that Lululemon fired 2 female employees after they told masked thieves "No, get out", recorded the incident on their phones, and called the...
teen driver in austin, tx hits disabled man in wheelchair video thumbnail

[Video] 17-Year Old Runs Over a Man in a Wheelchair With His Ram Truck...

Absolutely disgusting 17-year old Pablo Antonio Avila-Banagas has been arrested after a fire truck witnessed him running over a disabled man in a wheelchair in a parking lot....
texas immigration attorney timothy japhet human smuggling

A Magistrate Judge and Immigration Attorney in Texas Was Arrested for Human Smuggling

Did this magistrate judge abuse his power to smuggle humans into the country? Timothy D. Japhet is an immigration attorney from Corpus Christi and a federally appointed magistrate...

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