hole drilled in gas tank to steal gas

This is getting out of control
Status: Mostly verified

A mechanic posted a video to Reddit’s /r/JustRolledIntoTheShop group where mechanics frequently discuss the crazy stories of vehicles they are asked to work on, about a woman who filled her car up with gas before going home at the end of her day. Woke up the next day and was unable to get her vehicle to start and said the gas light on her instrument panel was showing.

Once the mechanic had the car on his lift he was able to quickly determine the problem after a few checks of more routine problems. He discovered a hole drilled in the gas tank to drain the fuel.

Watch the Video Here:

“I know what’s wrong with it, aint got no gas in it” from Justrolledintotheshop

The video concludes with the mechanic saying “People can’t pay $4 dollars a gallon, so they’re back to stealin it.”

There isn’t much anyone can do to protect against this, but if you have shady neighbors or even a friend that might be a bit shifty don’t tell them you just filled up your tank with gas.


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